When you will open any website in browser and then you will see a logo alongwith the name of website that is called favicon. See this image...

How to create favicon?

If you want to create favicon on your website so follow these simple steps...
  1. Go to FAVICON.IO website
  2. Choose (image, text or emoji) ICO option in list
  3. Edit it as you want to see on your blog & download it. Downloaded file will be save in download folder in internal storage of your phone.
  4. Downloaded file will be of zip format so our next step is we have to unzip that file & we can unzip that file by WINZIP application. It is logo of that application.

So open winzip application and click on internal storage of your phone now we are in download folder in internal storage as you can see below and click on marked file... See in fig.1


Now click and long press on marked file 

Now click on unzip

Now add new folder with the name of favicon & save unzip file in it...

Now you will have to open favicon folder and select that file for uploading on your website

If you will have any queries so you can message me in comment box.